5 Tips For Developing A Successful Online Marketing Strategy For Your Business

by | Jun 20, 2022 | Business Development, Digital Marketing, Google, Lead Generation, Marketing Strategy, SEO

As a business owner, you know that to be successful, you need to have a solid marketing strategy. But developing a successful digital marketing strategy can be tricky. There are so many different platforms and options to choose from, and it can be hard to know where to start. We’ve put together five tips for developing a successful digital marketing strategy. Follow these tips, and you’ll be on your way to reaching your target audience online.

#1 Business Listings

Put your business on the map with an abundance of accurate business listings. Local businesses need accurate listings on many directories to ensure that customers can find them online.

Accurate listings ensure that customers can find and contact a business. Incorrect listings lead to unhappy and frustrated customers.

Manage and distribute accurate listings all over the web with major listing providers. There are four major listing providers in the United States: Factual, Acxion, Infogroup, and Neustar (Localeze). These data providers are referenced by over 300 online listing directories and disseminate business information all over the web.

Put your business on the map with an abundance of accurate listings

#2 Online Reviews

Businesses must continually collect fresh reviews and strive for 5-star ratings. If your business’s average online reviews score is high, CONGRATULATIONS! Amplify that positivity on your social media sites. If your grade is low, identify where the negative sentiment comes from. Utilize tools such as Customer Voice to collect more reviews.

Businesses must continually collect fresh reviews and strive for 5-star ratings.

#3 Social Media Marketing

Every day, millions of consumers declare their buying intentions on social media. Your business must keep your followers engaged in growing their audience and building brand loyalty.

Managing multiple social networks is difficult and time-consuming. A tool such as Social Marketing is an easy way for businesses to continue to build their social presence and find new leads. Also, with Social Marketing, companies can manage customer activity in a single feed, respond to customers straight from the feed, and track every interaction.

Businesses must keep their followers on social media engaged to grow their audience and build brand loyalty

#4 Website

Your business website loading speed is critical! It would be best if you had a tool such as GREENstick’s Snapshot Report that leverages Google PageSpeed Insights to assess whether your business website meets Google’s expectations on mobile and desktop.

With most first-time searches being done from a mobile device, your business needs a mobile-friendly site that delivers the information people seek. The faster your website loads with this vital information, the more engaged your customers will be. If your website takes too long to load, customers will go elsewhere. Time is money! 

Display vital information on the first page customers see. First impressions count! Your business information, location information, and social media links are arguably the most critical content on your business website. Take advantage of a mobile-optimized Location Page. It’s simple to create, search engine optimized, and additional tabs can be easily added. No coding is required!

The faster and mobile-optimized your website is, the better.

#5 Search Engine Optimization

The goal of Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is to rank on the first page for the correct keyword search phrases that are relevant to your business. Consumers use search engines to assess their options and qualify the goods and services they’re interested in. With 86% of consumers performing an online search before making a purchase decision, every business needs to invest in SEO. 

Local Search Results

With the GREENstick Snapshot Report, you can view your business’s search ranking and see how high up your business appears in search results. We search for a high-priority keyword related to your company and display your ranking in two formats. The first is across your local area within Google Maps using nine dynamic hotspots. The second is the top three search results, along with where the business falls.

Organic Keyword Performance 

With the GREENstick Snapshot Report, you can compare your keyword performance against your top competitors. Your website is scanned for the top keywords in the database, as determined by Google. The report then displays keyword performance for your business and your top competitors. 

Organic Keyword Ranking

With the GREENstick Snapshot Report, you can examine the top organic keywords consumers use to search for your products and services on Google. These insights give you an idea of how people are searching for your business online, the types of keywords your business should be targeting in Pay-Per-Click (PPC) campaigns, and the type of organic content your business needs website to gain relevancy. 

With a strong SEO strategy, your business will get found online, increase customer engagement, increase organic website traffic, and produce accurate customer conversions. 

Businesses need to build a solid SEO strategy

In Summary

There is no single ‘instant fix’ SEO solution – it’s the sum of many small tasks that work together to elevate the ranking and visibility of a website over time. Incorporate multiple solutions to build a solid foundation for good SEO. Online listings, reviews, digital ads, and social activity all contribute to search engine rankings for local search.

Get your FREE GREENstick Snapshot Report Today! *Results may take up to 24 hours. 

The Award Winning Online GREENstick Snapshot Report


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