How to use video to stay in touch with your customers

by | Apr 5, 2020 | COVID-19, SEO, Social Media, Video

Despite years of warnings over the perils of excess screen time, we as a society are finding ourselves in a crisis where video has become our truest connection point. And while small businesses are struggling with new issues and concerns from quarantines and this global health epidemic, video is presenting itself as a solution during this unpredictable moment.

So, whether your small business is a brick and mortar shop that needs to close its doors, a restaurant that needs to shift to take-out only, or a fitness or beauty studio looking to stay engaged with its members, here are some practical — and creative — ways to use video to stay in touch with your customers.


In the realm of digital communication, video will always reign supreme in its ability to provide personal, direct, and sincere messaging that can both reassure customers, as well as educate them.


One of the best ways that small businesses can endear themselves to their customers in these dormant times, is to provide in-depth video content that can improve a person’s day-to-day life. 


Another industry where video is essential these days are fitness studios (and their instructors!) Now is the time to create an entire campaign and library or workout programs to keep your audience engaged and active. 


Sharing tips and experiences can be an ideal way for businesses to keep their community and employees engaged and informed on everything from work-from-home (WFH) tips to updates to business and services. And while times may be tough for small businesses and verticals, staying engaged with your customers will always be your best — and perhaps even your only — option to stay in touch.

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