How To Measure The Success Of Your Organic SEO Campaign

by | Jan 9, 2023 | Google, Google Analytics, GREENstick News, SEO

Organic search engine optimization (SEO) is integral to any online marketing strategy. It helps you to rank higher on the SERP, attract more organic traffic, and increase leads and sales. But how can you be sure that your SEO campaign is working? In this blog post, we’ll explore how to measure the success of your organic SEO campaign so that you can see if it’s worth all the effort.

To start, we need to understand what success looks like for an organic SEO campaign. Generally speaking, a successful SEO campaign should lead to increased visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs), more organic traffic to your website, and improved conversion rates or sales.

Now that we know what success looks like let’s look at some ways you can measure the success of your organic SEO campaign. One way is to track keyword rankings over time. You should focus on tracking both branded and non-branded keywords that relate to your business or website so you can see how well your content is ranking for those terms in search engines over time.

Another way to measure success is by tracking referrer data from Google Search Console (GSC). GSC provides valuable insights into which queries people are typing into Google when they land on one of your webpages. This information can help you better understand who’s visiting your site and why they’re coming there in the first place.

You can also use analytics tools such as Google Analytics or Adobe Analytics to monitor changes in organic traffic driven by keywords or campaigns over time. These tools provide detailed reports outlining page views, unique visits, bounce rate, and conversions per page – giving you a wealth of information about customer behavior onsite over time and allowing you to draw correlations between specific pages or campaigns and performance metrics like conversions or average order value (AOV).

Finally, don’t forget about tracking customer feedback! Tools such as reviews and surveys give you direct insight into how customers feel about their experiences with you – which may include their experience interacting with SEO campaigns onsite or via email – helping round out the data set for measuring success across channels.

By keeping track of all these metrics over time, you will be able to accurately measure the success of an organic SEO campaign and make adjustments, if necessary, based on customer feedback or performance results. So keep track of these stats regularly – it might save your next big launch!


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