Get Your Business To Bounce Back In The New Year

by | Jan 4, 2021 | Content Marketing, SEO, Small Business, Social Media, Video

Through the whirlwinds and chaos of 2020 had brought, we finally made it to 2021! With unexpected roadblocks and challenges thrown at small business owners, we can hopefully move forward with direction and strength in the new year. At Green Stick, we’re here to help your business bounce back and adapt your business model during Covid. Here are some ways to help your business grow and come back on top going forward in the new year. 

Educate Your Audience

2020 was full of confusion, uncertainty, and asking a lot of ‘why’ questions. Quarantine has given individuals the opportunity to learn and grow more and your audience is curious in learning more about your business now more than ever. Keeping your content and information current and updated helps make your information more credible and trustworthy for your audience to learn and utilize your business.

While it’s important to update and keep your content and information current, find new ways to create unique and creative content within your industry. Examples of this could be a podcast, webinar series, or blog series. Focus on topics related to your niche that your target audience would be interested in learning.

Lots of businesses have already applied this strategy with a lot of success in 2020. Implementing it at the start of 2021 will give your business a fresh start on educating your audience. 

Personalize In Interactive Content

Personalization offers customers an experience to feel more trust, authenticity, and success for your business. Personalized marketing content has been a key strategy for several years now but has made it interactive. Creating interactive content helps your content stand out from your competitors. Utilizing quizzes, questionnaires, polls, interactive ebooks, infographics, and more can help customers engage more with your content.

The more interactive your content becomes, the more individuals will want to come back to learn more. Your content should be focused on informing your audience on your niche while catching their attention. It can be cost-effective to create interactive content that is informative, valuable, and entertaining for your audience. 


Building Your Business Culture

One of the best resources you can utilize is closer than you think. Recognize the people within your business who help cultivate and create your business. Having a positive, productive, and healthy work environment creates a pivotal example within your industry. Businesses that invest in employee experience are four times more profitable than organizations that don’t. Elevating your company culture helps build results from within.

To enhance your employee culture from within, implement a mentoring program that connects new employees with mentors. Giving perspective, connection, assistance, and motivation to new employees helps set your business up for success. Another implementation could be having one-on-one meetings to help create a space for employees to open up about issues or concerns within their position. Having an inclusive culture helps create better learning and performance outcomes for your employees to succeed. The more your business utilizes and appreciates your employees, the more they will give back to the business as well for successful results.


Building Connections

While it’s important to connect with your company, connecting and networking outside of your organization helps as well. While Covid may have eliminated face-to-face interactions, it doesn’t mean there are no opportunities to connect and reach out to your colleagues.

Looking at resources outside of your organization prepares your business for success. Going over your marketing strategy for the year, as a checklist, helps incorporate the skills and expertise you need that may be missing from your lineup. Collaborating with your team, productively also creates better results when you work together to see what your business needs to do to reach out to other thought leaders and colleagues.

Reaching out to other colleagues and influencers within your industry is easier than it appears. It can be as simple as commenting on an article or media post. Comments and responses such as these could lead to connections in backlinks, guest blogging, etc. Not only will you build professional relationships, but you’ll also generate more of an online authority for your business.


Add SEO to Your Marketing Lineup

If we learned anything in 2020, it’s that individuals are investing more in searching online. For small businesses, it’s important now more than ever to have an online presence to connect with individuals. There are a variety of options to help improve your online business presence. Having an SEO focus tends to be more successful in the long run than others.

SEO is one of the best options to help boost your business. Search engines drive 300% more traffic to content sites than social media. SEO entails lots of consistency, layers, and patience. Once your business grasps the hang of SEO, the results will come rolling in.

Here are a few things to take into consideration when improving your SEO in 2021:

  • Audience Focus: SEO requires you to focus on specific keywords individuals type to help search for your business. It’s also important to consider your local audience along with that. Your local search audience helps build your business’s trust and brand within your community. Start 2021 by ensuring your information and local citations are in order and correct for your customers searching for your business.
  • Voice Search: As time moves on, new updates occur. One popular search engine function that more individuals are using daily is voice command search. 58% of consumers have used voice search to find local business information in the last 12 months. With Siri and Alexa there to listen and answer individuals’ questions, your business should hope to be a resource for individuals. While it’s important to think of keywords individuals will type in to search for your business, it’s time to start thinking about specific keywords people will ask out loud. 


Setting goals and expectations help boost your business going into any new year. 2020 gave businesses lots of unexpected experiences and lessons. It’s now time to go into 2021, growing and learning from what we learned in 2020. Green Stick is all about helping small businesses grow and learn going into the new year.


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