In order to provide you with a fast, mobile-responsive, and easy-to-use Website product, we have implemented a product redesign.

Here’s what’s new

The navigation menu has moved from the top of the product to the left side. Additionally, the product’s dominant color will no longer be purple, providing a fresh and clean look.


Highlights of the redesign include:

  •  Developer tools such as SFTP and PhpMyAdmin are now under the “Advanced Tools” section in the left navigation
  • To provide more transparency, we’ve added the PHP/WordPress versions and plugins requiring updates on the dashboard
  • Access to the WordPress dashboard is now in a more convenient location. It is now located above the left navigation menu and will be accessible from every page of the product
  • The “Edit My Site” button, which takes a user to the front end of their site to make quick edits, is now in the top right corner of the dashboard

Why is it important?

We believe that it is incredibly important for you to be able to access and navigate your web hosting tool with confidence and ease.

You will receive the following additional improvements:

  • Mobile-responsive design
  • Increased speed
  • Fresh, easy-to-use interface
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