New Release: Real Estate Growth Platform

by | Nov 23, 2022 | GREENstick News, New Releases, Real Estate

Realia combines every real estate professional’s essential tools to succeed into one seamless and easy-to-use platform. With intelligent automation, a professional front-end website, state-of-the-art CRM, MLS integration, and battle-tested lead generation landing pages, Realia is the only tool an agent, team, or brokerage will ever need to scale their business today’s market.



Modern Website

Stats show that 70% of your credibility is earned within the first 8 seconds a user spends on your website. Your website design is critical to earning the trust of any potential lead browsing your website.


CRM Built For Real Estate Professionals

  • Full Website Integration – Know exactly where your leads came from, what MLS listings they look at, and set email dips in one place.
  • Intelligent Automations – Follow up and nurture cold leads into buyers with automation that will know precisely how to follow up with no effort from you.
  • Tracking & Communication – See every text, call, note, reminder, and status on your lead list within a few clicks.
  • 100 SMS Monthly Messages Included
  • 5,000 Emails Monthly Emails Included


Lead Generation Landing Pages

We have battle-tested every aspect of lead generation landing pages for real estate professionals by running hundreds of thousands of ad dollars through them to ensure you see the lowest cost per lead! These will also plug leads directly into your CRM and automation.


Other Notable Features

  • Home Valuation Tool – Give your leads and website visitors a live 3D-interactive map to find what their home is worth in today’s market.
  • CRM Reminders & Calendar – Let Realia act as your assistant and send you an itinerary of to—do’s every morning to get the most from your leads.
  • MLS Data Reformatting – Realia takes the ugly look of an MLS listing and reformats it into beautiful website pages, catalogs, and emails.
  • Text & Email Automations – Have our system automatically send MLS drips, nurture emails, text messages, follow-ups, and other communication.
  • Live Chat Integration – Connect Facebook messenger to have a live chat on your website that automatically collects lead info.
  • Support – Unlimited support Zoom calls to make sure you are getting the most from the Realia platform.
    And much more!!!

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$400 Per Month / $175 Per Month Per Licensed User


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